Minutes from the WPNS meeting

held at Mount Lebanon United Methodist Church

on September 6th, 2017

The President, Corleen Chesonis called the meeting to order at 7:57 pm.

Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.

Treasurer's report

Larry Hufnagel said that Allegheny Valley Bank was taken over by Standard Band and during the transition he did not have access to the statement for the previous month. He shared the partial data from before the merger. The full statement will be provided at the next meeting.

Committee reports:

Stu said that there were no changes or addition to the WPNS website since last meeting.


Mike corresponded with the speaker for the 2018 banquet, Todd DePastino. DePastino is history professor, author and a gifted speaker, founder of the Veterans Breakfast Club, organization devoted to sharing veterans’ stories with the public.

Larry Korchnak noted that he received email from ANA that each club will get 10 free membership applications to attract new members.

Old business

Corleen & Skip distributed newly printed programs. Skip said the cost of printing was $32.

The vote to allow the expenditure to reimburse Skip for the printing cost was approved unanimously.

Corleen mentioned that there was no new information on the banquet.

Rich Crosby reported that he has not yet heard from Tom on the packaging design for the WPNS medals.

New business

Rich Jewell provided updates on the PAN Show and talked about the lecture the Banquet which is scheduled for Thursday night. New issue of Clarion will be ready at the beginning of October.

Ted talked about the troubling sale of gold bars, which turned out to be not genuine though they were offered in the sealed display case from the Mint.

After the business part of the meeting was concluded, Tom Fort presented a talk on copper coinage of King James VI of Scotland.

Concluding of the meeting

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm.

Present: There were 12 members and no guests present.

Respectfully submitted by Gosia Fort, Recording Secretary